Template vs. Custom logo

Daniel Joseph
3 min readDec 29, 2020


Knowing what makes a logo nice takes you to the next mission. That is to find the right way to use it. The two key options are, “buy a logo using “or “to create one on your own”. A new business in the market place is surely starting struggling with its brand to be in the top list and want the customer to identify or look at it first.

It has found that most people are confused that whether they should choose custom or simple template to better represents their brand. Or possibly, we can say they don’t know the difference between these two. To take care of all your branding needs and queries, we will discuss the key differences between both of them.

Custom logo:

Before you learn which one you can settle on, we will help you know what it is. It is one that is designed exclusively for the brand by a graphic designer. This suggests that the emblem is recognizable and one of a kind. It is something built from scratch that represents your business and what you do and is personalized. This tells that the icon was not actually used by any customer and was just made and modified only for your business.

Clarity is one of the highest attributes that makes the production of a custom logo successful and consistency is the secret to making this. To make it instantly identifiable and unforgettable as well, this design should be simple.

The few reasons why people prefer it:

- It requires the creative team to take the client’s requirements, do thorough research, then brainstorm and come up with several proposals. These proposals will go through a lengthy process of revisions before reaching an acceptable state where the final design can be approved and sent to the development team.

- If carefully crafted, it can be extended easily in the future with new elements or features.

- If you sign a contract with the agency for the specific configuration and functionality you desire, whether there are new features or specifications that you want to add later, you do not have to pay any extra cost.

Template logo:

In contrast to custom one, this is just as it looks. They are pre-made you cannot get something exclusive to the organization with it. In most instances, you can get buy a logo that is almost like or similar to another organization with this type, since they might have bought the same one.

The few reasons people prefer to buy it:

- They are cheap, and they can be market to a thousand or more consumers. The template writers make money instead of selling to 1 single customer. A standard template is around US$50; the premium is around US$200 or less, too. It is possible to market a perfect template to more than 1000 customers, giving the writers at least 50000 USD in return.

- Since it’s already created, it only takes a few moments to launch if you use the prototype as there is and only need of modifying the text.


This is the modern era, for the start-up of a business, having an icon has become a domineering need. The right choice between custom logo and template should be made because it is one of the key concern when taking your business in the competitive market.

Buying Logo

